Monday, April 25, 2011

The 2011 Season Begins!

Hello one and all!

The BCCC's third year is upon us - and we're at an exciting place. Thanks to some early planning (the wet weather makes committee meetings actually appealing) we have some pretty keen ideas to help the Club grow at the right pace and in the right directions.

Our first priority is to grow the membership - more players means more games and more fun, after all! If everyone could do their part by spreading the word - telling friends, hanging flyers, joining the Facebook group... anything you can do would be a great help. Have an idea on how we can reach more people? Then let others know about it! We have a great group of people with differing backgrounds and varying expertise - I'm sure someone knows how to accomplish whatever you can think of!

Do you have an 'in' with a group or individual? Do you know a sign maker, a newspaper reporter, a radio DJ? Put out some feelers and ask if they'd like to help! Our club is local, educational and (as far as I know) good for the environment. Perhaps one of these contacts doesn't necessarily want to play, but would like to contribute their time or efforts - it never hurts to ask!

We are also looking for a group of dedicated individuals who want to help umpire and keep score. Do you know someone who would be interested? Tell them about us and help make it happen!

And as always, groundspeople are always needed to help lining the pitch, mowing and keeping the field in good repair. If you have a mower and can get it to the field, let us know.

So here's to the beginning of our third year in Bennington. Let's make it the best one yet!
